Friday, March 29, 2013


It's always a joy 2 have son Khalid around 
the way for some "quality" time.

Whether it's video games, pizza or just 
a simple stroll....
time is time & that's cool.
That's why @ times when things get tough, 
my lil' man has the ability 2 make it all "disappear."

Hmmm...I wonder if he even know that whenever he's near everyone else 
seems so far away.

That's great for the soul & good for the heart. 
It's always better that way....

Peace!...with 2 fingers;)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Promo #13 - Salt Cod Cafe.


I find it pretty amazing how life can take you places when you challenge risk & open up 2 
greater possibilities. 

No matter how crazy it may appear, there's always something 2 take from every single situation whether good or not so. 

Off again on another one of those Weddington Adventures where we headed 
through the islands off the 
eastern shores of Maine. 
(...with the trusty Canon in hand of course...duh!)

The scene was totally surreal with an unique culture all its own.
For one, never knew people could take seafood so seriously.
(if you've ever wondered where crab / lobster country was, this is certainly the place.)

Quaint towns, plenty of seafood, colonial homes
& a loads of water...
 (I've never seen so much water in my life!....)
by the way, it was !@#$%^&* cooold!

Surely the scenery would've been so much more nostalgic well into the summer months 
but for the very first run through, 
it was pretty sweet.

Oh, did I mention that it was !@#$%^&* cold?

Peace!...with 2 fingers;)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Be Creative & Do.

Peace!...with 2 fingers;)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Once upon a time there was this person.
Ultra sensitive 2 the untruth & sorta 
an underdog in the greater scheme of things.

Questioning of one's self,
Often would they wonder...
"Should I compromise for the lesser of anything good?"

That's when it was revealed 2 create it's very own voice 
& bond 2 the only thing they could truly stand on....

@ a time where hate & judgement runs the scene, 
we all have the power 2 share our differences 
& treat others with what's 
innately in our hearts

Finding that faith 2 move forward
whether on the unpredictable 
streets of Chicago
2 the backwoods of azz backwards Georgia, 
one thing remains true...

There's a greater force 2 be reckoned.
You just have 2 know where 2 look.

It just may be where you least expect.

Oh, by the way, 
have you looked @ your reflection in the mirror lately?


Peace!...with 2 fingers;)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Promo #12 - Ahhh!

Peace!...with 2 fingers;)

Friday, March 1, 2013

